Monday, April 19, 2010

mystery man

My mom and i traveled to Arizona State University this weekend and fell totally in love! To think that my two years of working at a community college was finally about to end and pay off. But, for some reason i couldnt get the mystery man out of my head that we had randomly bumped into.
i was chatting with my mom in line at the financial aid office about how i was feeling towards maybe trying for the water polo team or just sticking to Journalism. My college basketball career didnt go as planned and i feel like if i push water polo i would grow to hate it and not want to play again. Its something i have been debating within myself for some time now.
When he suddenly appeared...
Tall, dark and handsome he interrupted and explained how he couldnt help but overhear how i had played sports and that he too was an athlete and had played basketball at Duke. He had been in a car crash three years ago and was originally 6 foot six but from where i was standing he could not have been any more than 6'2 or 6'3. He had broken his pelvis in 48 different spots. (dont quote me on this the number may not be quite correct but it was along those lines) He is going to have reconstructive surgery on his eyes next week and claims that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
This is when my investgative reporting, way too curious for my own good mind started turning...
had i read something about this? it sounds familiar? what was he doing here?

"I am very blessed to still be here," i can still hear him say that, like an echo in a dark room.
"Follow your dreams and dont stop," he said to me.

Im not sure why but, it stuck. This man had been through so much and yet, he was still going to school and trying to make something of himself.

Maybe community college wasn't that bad after all

Monday, April 12, 2010

my rave experience

New Year's resolution: TRY NEW THINGS
1. went the bathroom in a men's bathroom
2. went to a rave

Red Fish, Blue fish
One Fish, Two Fish
freaky people, ugly people,
young people, old people,
Fake boobs, real boobs
men in tutus, women in tutus
underwear underwear underwear

At one point i texted my mother " I hope Christ does not come back tonight so he won't see me here with these people."

good experience, would i go again? no.

Monday, April 5, 2010

life is like a movie

To close one door may seem painful at the time, missed opportunities, break ups, closed relationships, dead ends, no light....
God always lights the path for my every question, even when i dont ask. Its like in a movie theatre and god forbide your a little late so the obvious chose to an open seat is hard to see. So you wait for your eyes to adjust, you stumble and make a fool of yourself trying to find where you belong and when you finally do find your seat you sigh a breathe of relief.
Life is like a movie theatre.
God lights up the aisles and guides you but he's careful not to light up your seat like a giant Hollywood bilboard because, after all your suppose to be making your own decisions.
When my college basketball career didnt go as "planned," i felt like God had turned of the lights. Where was i suppose to go? Is this not what you wanted?
THe door was slammed in my face but, with prayer, patience and persistence a door will open.
Maybe not the movie i thought i wanted to see, but who am i to question the director.