Tuesday, March 8, 2011


When i was little and i was asked" "what do you want to be when you grow up?" To know at an early age that i was blessed with the ability to write definatley helped but, my answer has never really changed except, when i wanted to be Prince's back up dancer but, other than that i have been solid. To tell other people's stories and to highlight the causes that i believe in and to expose the truth in any matter no matter the consequence. I like to believe it was my inner Nancy Drew that i grew up idolizing. But, some people ask, "Aren't you scared?" With the recent events of Egypt and now Libya, how could i even imagine going to a country in midst of a civil war and try and report on what is going on. For me, its not fear that runs me, its hope. Its hope that i can tell the stories of the people suffering. Its the stories of the people who are making a difference in small ways and in big ways. Its to the hope that in my Quest for Greatness i can find and highlight people who are made of greatness despite the situations that surrond them.
I do not want to be a journalist because i might be on TV one day or that i could have the opportunity to see celebrities. I want to be the story teller that makes people open their eyes and see the world around them. If you ask my generation to name five reality tv stars, you can beat that in less than a sec they can spit out those names but, most likely, it will take them a little longer to name some of our national leaders. I want to open eyes, hearts and minds as i find people who have already begun their Quest for Greatness.
Because, maybe its time to step out of our comfort zones and start realizing that we were made for more than just what we have planned, maybe its about something more.