Monday, February 7, 2011

This is real life...

Ask me how my day went, and you will find that on my "Year of Vulnerability," I have come to many realizations. Real life sucks.

This ladies and Gentlemen is my life...

I walk around all day, running to class, riding the light rail with the bums, sitting in class, eating lunch and going to work. I sit down for five minutes, and a dear friend of mine says, "Oh you have something coming off of your jeans, Let me grab it." How nice i am thinking to myself, thinking it must be a string since these jeans are kind of old. But, no, this is real life and things like that do not happen.
Instead, she pulls out a pair of underwear out from the leg of my jeans like a bunny coming out of a hat for a magic trick. "Oh." she says and hand them to me. Please God let me die right now i prayed. Please. You would have thought that at the age of 20 the thought of underwear or even just saying the word underwear wouldnt be so taboo or kindergarten like but, no, wrong again. "You will not believe the night i had," I say, trying to desperately bring the ball back into my court with a joke. "Oh, fun." she says and turns around. Great. Now not only do i have child like underwear with stars on them, this girl now thinks im a 'slore' (thank you Kim Kardashian for my new word.) But, wait there is more...

I bring you to today where AFTER buying a full meal at Subway, i fill my cup up, and like any good college student i chug most of it and refill it before i leave the store to make sure i get my money's worth. "Sip stealing is a crime now please leave!" I hear from behind me. Seriously? sip stealing? Are you bloody kidding me?!

and things happen in threes as my mother always says so, this is for my female readers so guys, sorry in advance or just stop reading :)

Off to the store to buy tampons at the store next door which, is akward in itself if you are just buying tampons and nothing else but, my mother is not here and since this is my Year of Vulnerability, i dismiss the idea of thinkig it is weird. The man takes my money and places the item in a bag where he than hands the bag to me and says "Have a happy period." ... ... ...
I may or may not be welcome in that store anymore since i promptly told him exactly how happy i was to be having a period but, thats a story for another day.

The real world: 5,6879
Me: 0

1 comment:

  1. Oh Alex I personally thought all these situations are hilarious. Just laugh it off its college FAR worse happen to people every day. However maybe if "mom" didn't do everything for you until you were 20 you might have what I call "street skills." Think about that next time you are home...maybe your Year of Vulnerability should extend to other geographically locations not just AZ.

    Your going to block me from your blog now aren't you?

    I love you!!!
