Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Spray on Tan

My summer has been filled with adventures thus far! Days of reading, swimming, camping and watching endless hours of reality tv has now become what a typical day looks like for me and, even though i have felt bored at times, i know that i will never have this chance again to just ... do nothing.

On my lovely Quest for Greatness through the summer something was missing. A tan.
My Washingtonian skin was not adapting well to the endless days of sunshine that our state was all of a sudden having. I will be in Arizona home of the 100 plus days soon and i wanted to make sure that when i did eventually get to AZ i would not look like such an outsider. I wanted to look like a sun kissed Phoeniz goddess.

Keep in mind that i was thinking all of this when i was striping down and ignoring all warnings that i had heard.

I will not regret any tanning decision that i made but, if i had to rewind i would rather have just rolled around in the mud. :\

My face was as dark as an African, half of my body was a different color and i may have been allergic to it since the itching did not stop for days!!

Two weeks later i am still paying for my decision because now i am softly fading in different parts of my body. To the person walking down the street, i may look like a disease ridden hospital patient but, have no fear it was just an unwise beauty decision.

What was the lesson i learned? Be content with your looks and know that even people in AZ are white.

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