Tuesday, December 28, 2010

family bonding night

Christmas break is notorious for bringing families together but, what everyone knows but no one ever says is that it is also notorious for making you want to become an alcoholic. After spending all day returning and buying new shiny objects at target in the pouring down rain my mother decides that i was having a bad make-up day so in the middle of the store she pulls out a "tissue" and viciously wipes off my $12.99 wal mart blush. She than hands me the "tissue" to dispose of, to only find that the "tissue" was a mini maxi pad that my mother found in the bottom of her purse. And that's what started the day off.

Chinese food was soon to follow when the youngest ordered chicken nuggets and french fries. Mom found out that her Chinese figure was a boar, which greatly depressed her through out dinner while dad told stories about eating puppies in Korea. If ever there was a resemblence to "A Christmas Story" and their Christmas dinner night, eating duck instead of turkey, our Chinese night was it.

If that wasn't enough my father decides that a good game of Mexican train Dominoes would be a good idea to break the tension. Three hours later of screaming, yelling, brought us to our family bonding night. Mariah is making up rules as she goes and proclaiming them as truths, Samuel, the boyfriend, had a hard time not making sterotype, racist jokes because... we were playing Mexican train. Dad is yelling and asking why we cant just get along and mom stops all of the screaming with asking... "where the hell are my crackers?!"

I love the show Keeping Up With the Kardashians but sometimes i wonder if i am in my own reality tv show.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

beating Christmas

I have come to notice that since, this is the first year that i have not been home for the pre Christmas attack plan, that Christmas is so much less stressful. Coming home on the 15th of December, the house was decorated, the baking had already started and the tree was up. I was not subjected to bringing up the 23 Christmas boxes and than bringing half of them down again after mom decides to 'not use that color' decorations. I do love searching for a tree and picking just the right one but, i also found it quite nice to just come home and see it nicely decorated. I had bought all of my Christmas shopping online weeks ahead of time and shipped them all home. I had, in fact beat Christmas. no running around, stressing out, yelling and ending up buying some piece of crap gift in a last-minute-flurry. Now, i am savoring and basking in my smug glow :)

pictures soon to follow:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Semester wrap-up

Whew. what a semester. Being my first semester away from home in an entirely new environment i have learned so much about myself. First, i now like guacamole, tomatoes and eggs. Who knew? I have come to enjoy the art of silence. When at first i wanted to hang myself because i could not sleep in utter silence since I am use to sisters screaming, fire trucks at 2 am and dogs barking until someone yells profane words out the window. But, most importantly, i have learned that i can finish what i started. Now, i know that i am just one semester down but, i feel like this is the beginning and a major accomplishment knowing that people expected me to drop out the fist month and come crying home. But, i didn't so HA!

So with dark circles under my eyes and in the same pair of sweat pants that i have been wearing all week i drudged to my last final today. A weight has been lifted and the angels are singing when i come out of the class room that i have dreaded going to everyday. FREEDOM. One giant check mark has been checked on my "to do" list of life and i could not feel any better. Now, i can officially enjoy my Christmas vacation.