Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Semester wrap-up

Whew. what a semester. Being my first semester away from home in an entirely new environment i have learned so much about myself. First, i now like guacamole, tomatoes and eggs. Who knew? I have come to enjoy the art of silence. When at first i wanted to hang myself because i could not sleep in utter silence since I am use to sisters screaming, fire trucks at 2 am and dogs barking until someone yells profane words out the window. But, most importantly, i have learned that i can finish what i started. Now, i know that i am just one semester down but, i feel like this is the beginning and a major accomplishment knowing that people expected me to drop out the fist month and come crying home. But, i didn't so HA!

So with dark circles under my eyes and in the same pair of sweat pants that i have been wearing all week i drudged to my last final today. A weight has been lifted and the angels are singing when i come out of the class room that i have dreaded going to everyday. FREEDOM. One giant check mark has been checked on my "to do" list of life and i could not feel any better. Now, i can officially enjoy my Christmas vacation.

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