Monday, May 24, 2010

i refuse to suck the brains

Yes, i eat sushi and i rather enjoy it. I like fish, shrimp and most "bottom dwellers" as sam calls them but, i refuse to suck the brains out of crawfish.

I walk into my friends back yard and there is a huge white cooler filled with STILL living crawfish. THere is a giant boiling pot next to the cooler where the guys take a bucketfull and boil them that way. They all seem to be trying to escape but with all of their friends and family being boiled right next to them, their fate seems to be made for them.
I than made the first mistake of the night. I named one of them. It was the cutest little guy and we made eye contact and it was over. i named it bud. Its little red claws reached out and touched my heart, i couldnt let bud get boiled and eaten like the rest of his family.
my friend was giving a demonstration about how to crack them open. "its simple" he said. "you uncurl their tails and break them off of their body. You than eat that little piece of meat,( thats a disgusting yellow poop color) and than you take the rest of the body and suck out all of their brains and juices." WTF are you kidding me! i said to myself no no no no i refuse to suck the brains out but, i didnt want to look like a wimp so i thought i would at least try. I picked up what looked like bud's mom and i said a little prayer and tried to break her little body open. Her claws kept getting in the way and i just couldnt bring myself around to eating this animal that had been eating poop its whole life, to put it in my mouth.

i stuck with eating hot dogs. not like that is a great alternatve but it got my mind off of eating bud's mother.

Loved the party, the people and it was a great way to start the summer off but, God rest his soul.
In the loving memory of Bud the crawfish

Sunday, May 16, 2010

calorie count

Why on God's green earth would i want a calorie count with my mcdonald meal?!

Funny story:

I took mariah and her friend to dinner on the way home from a fundraiser on Saturday and thought Wendy's was the best choice. I mean who doesn't love a frosty after bagging food for African kids?
I pull up to the window, i mean why would i get out of the car and exert myself when i can just go through the drive thru?
so i pull up to the window and underneath all of the meals, there are these numbers. Fairly high numbers i might add neatly painted underneath the huge picture of the greatest looking burger in the world. It than dawns on me... omg this is the end of me. How dare they let me know how much damage i am doing to my own body? Can a girl not order a guilt free meal now a days?!

Needless to say, i have a new goal, no more fast food.
or at least find the fast food chains that dont have those dumb little numbers underneath them.

Monday, May 10, 2010

sailboat ambition

My new ambition in life is to buy a wooden sailboat and sail around the Cape of Good Hope. Dont ask me where i got this idea or why i have this intense love for sailboats... i just do.
so let me dream.
buy a sailboat. Sail around the Cape of Good Hope. Accomplish that and get a swallow tattoo.

Apparently sailors use to get a swallow tattoo after sailing five thousand nautical miles or around the Cape of Good Hope. I now want one.
I figure that this will allow me time to get closer to God, i could read, and it would give me time to write my book. (which i am still unsure of what the topic is)

Symbolically, sailboats are meant to enjoy the day and just enjoy the day and the environment around you. Not that i dont love going disgustingly fast in a motor boat but, the sail boat has a sense of relaxation and you lose all track of time and all that you know is that your alive.
I want it. im doing it

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

on the road again

Once upon a time, going to college was enough
Once upon a time, just knowing who you were was enough
Now... you have to have a five year plan and be able to execute it without mistakes.
the constent pressure for young people today to be the best.
What about just being your best?
What if my Quest for Greatness does not revolve around money?
What if my Quest for Greatness is revolved around happiness?