Saturday, October 23, 2010


What would jesus do?
That is exactly what i was thinking at 2:30 am when i was slamming my fists up against my neighbors door. Techno music had been blaring for three hours and i was ready to pounce! I was being nice originally with a simple few bangs on the wall just to warn them that my patience was wearing thin but, apparently you have to be blunt to get anywhere in this world.

With nicely written bible verses up and down her door, a "Have a great day" sticker with a wal mart smiley face next to it, i had been under the impression that these girls were nice, compassionate girls but, as the clock continued to tick... techno got more unpopular to the 4th floor.

I have yet, to solve the mystery since they have been MIA for the weekend but, i may take samuel's advice and spray mace under their door to smoke them out when they come back from their relaxing weekend. But is that what jesus would do?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think they had mace back then.

    But you can always chase all the money-changers out of their apartment, defy their religious laws, and threaten their power-base.
