Wednesday, January 27, 2010

road map to hell

On the road of success my car can't even go over the speed bumps. My 1995 "Hrysler" as Stephen Mahnken calls it cause the "C" has fallen off the side, has been passed down to me and i am now the third owner. I am forever grateful for it but i think it is finally coming to the end of its little life and I am stuck losing my religion over it. I try going up south hill in the morning and i may be flooring it but the little engine that could, can only go 30 mph at the most. Grandmother's stare and fly past me and now at this point i just avoid eye contact and try not to curse like a sailor.

Obviously the goal is to blog every freaking day but you know what sometimes life gets in the way and interrupts the ideal concept of trying to advance my average writing skills.

big shout out to my father and my uncle! Since Haiti my uncle has done nothing but be concerned for Haiti, he has the resources and the supplies to help so he and several others with COTN have made a huge difference there! My father who has never been able to sit down and talk on the phone or stay behind a desk immediately sprang into action. Im very proud of my family members that care so much about others and i cant wait to make them proud with my own greatness :)

Word of the day: Forgiveness

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Disney world excursion

My magical adventure to the happiest place on earth began with a 6 hour flight and a toddler barfing his entire lunch on me and into my new zebra bag. What do you say to that? "Um excuse me lady but your kid just made me never want to have kids and im about to slap yours?" needless to say the rest of the trip was awkward. Not to mention that i had to meet my father who has been in Iraq for the past three months smelling like baby barf. FML

I have come up with one main point in my week long vacation and it will help in my quest for greatness and that is,at all costs avoid traveling with your family! love my family to death but for god's sake i feel like i come home from vacation and i need a vacation from my vacation! Love them all dearly but a week with my family 24\7 was almost enough to make me loose my religion! Just the week before i was in miami and the flight there was cake but the moment you add in a firey red head, a sassy 13 year old and a 'i think i know everything' 16 year old, traveling situations become hostile.

Now, dont get me wrong the magical kingdom was a dream come true and i love any opportunity i can get at releasing my inner child, im just touching on things that may not be obvious. I did though get to meet the hilarious chip and dale and we went to so many shows im considering changing my major from journalism to drama just so i can wear stilts and sing the lion king song :)

i realized not only on this trip that my stomache can not handle simulators of any type, my addiction to diet coke was intensified and that my sister will always love me but, that im totally stoked to get out of my realm of comfort! im ready to start my quest for greatness! and it only took me one trip to disney, where dreams come true, to realize it:)

I also realized that i missed samuel way too much! It made me realize that going to ASU in the fall is going to be harder than i thought and i dont know (idk) if im ready for that aspect of seperation.

All in all it was a great trip and i couldnt wait to get home to rainy washington but dont worry to my utter surprise i sat next to a toddler on the way home too :\

Friday, January 8, 2010

taylor swift

My deepest sympathies for taylor swift and taylor lautner for breaking up but, you know that means that she will have a new song out which is totally worth a break up in my opinion. If you think about it, whenever you break up with a guy you make a song which ends up making you millions is like the silver lining in the break up.

I would like to take this friday afternoon to bitch about the weather. Rain is to be expected in the northwest and i have now adapted all of my wardrobe to include a hood in almost all of my outfits but i find it extremely upsetting when you spend 20 minutes on your hair and the moment you walk outside its completely trashed.
For example, this morning i fell into peer pressure and wanted to look like everybody else and put on my brand new, right out of the box, red vans and got ready to go to school. Now as any of my big footed friends would agree i really have no clue as to why i would put any more attention towards my feet since they are abnormally large and bright colors like red make my size 11 feet seem more like the circus came to town instead of a fashion statement but, i also have this desire to be noticed on any given day so i succumbed my fear of boat like feet and put on the shoes.

Stepping out the door in my bargain jeans, hundred dollar H&M bomber jacket and brand new vans I was feeling that i could potentially have a good day ahead of me. As i walked out to my car in my seemingly fashionable outift i minced my way around puddles and dirt in order to preserve the new-ness of my new shoes. While thinking i was home free i pulled out my phone to text, or sext which ever you prefer, how cute i was looking to the boyfriend and promptly fall in the hole in my drive way made by my newely licensed sister in an attempt to "peel out" in front of a bunch of kids. Mortified I looked at my shoes to find disgusting mud on the bottom and sides!
Disgusted with myself and my cocky attitude I drove to school, avoided eye contact with kids in the hall and ran to the bathroom to fix my shoes. Fixed for now and you cant even tell but i will always know.

Moral of the story: Stop worrying about what your wearing and worry about where your stepping.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

starting quest

Hello blog world!

I can't imagine why anyone would want to read my daily thoughts since if you simply ask me I will give you my opinion on everything from my own mother to why i think NASA is a waste of time but, im trying to follow in the footsteps of the great journalist before me and to try and leave some kind of 'footprint' in the ever changing sands of time. So.... here it goes :)

Ever since I was in elementary shool I have wanted to be Katie Couric, okay maybe not her ever changing hair style from fashionable to slight lesbian, but her job. I have wanted nothing more than to be in front of a camera reporting the truth to the world about top stories and the newest pressing stories that concern the people. Despite what Sam (the boyfriend) thinks, i still think that the media has some positive, realistic impressions left in them and I am destined to leave my mark on the media by correcting it and leaving my influential mark.

Selfish and arrogant you might think but, why live your life so that nobody remembers you? Everyone secretly wants to be famous and remembered in their own special way so why not just make it more public?

The point of this blog is to remember where i came from, to track my own progress and to stay focused on my Quest for Greatness as i embark on a world that takes no prisoners and will turn you topsy turvey before you can get out of the rabbit hole. To write everyday, to gain experience, knowledge, and understanding of how i get where i am in the future.