Monday, February 15, 2010

the day after

The day after valentines day is somewhat like the day after prom or the money after new years. Its just a regular day.

All this hype is put into OMG what are we gonna do and what are you going to get me and than heaven forbid you dont have a loved one to share the special day with, we wouldnt want that person to feel left out, now would we.

I came to this realization yesterday as i was eating fondu in a tent in my living room, Valentines day is not just about spending time and giving and receiving gifts, its about the actual rememberance of love. Whether you are single or not, everyone has loved someone, whether it be your father, mother, girlfriend or boyfriend everyone knows what love feels like. All you need is love the beatles once wrote but, i feel that it is what makes the world go around.

Christ died for our sins because he loves us. My father married my mother because he loves her. My mother takes care of her mother because she loves her. Why not have a day to remember and focus on that feeling. Society today has made Valentine's day a day for presents and mushy-gushy PDA couples to be allowed in public but, i think that in the beginning it was more than that. It was about that feeling that you get when someone you love walks into a room, or making something hand made for you mom and see her face light up or the feeling you get when you successfully pull off a great surprise. Valentines day is not about getting cards or the cutest teddy bear alive,which i got, its about knowing that there is an emotion that can over take your body and make you feel like you have never felt before.

So in regards to the fact that i am madly in love, i can say that i had the best valentines day ever because not only do i have the greatest boyfriend ever, i also recognized that Valentines day is about all of us and how we love the feeling of love in every form that it comes. <3

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