Wednesday, February 24, 2010

rain rain rain

So we as washingtonians were surpirsed when for a few days the temperature came out of freezing mode and the sun was out and shoooot i even saw some flip flops but, much to our dismay within 48 hours our weather went back to normal.
I feel that our little valley came to life in those two days. I saw people walking their dogs, couples were running together and kids didnt seem to mind walking home from school that day. It was like the people that came out of noah's ark for the first time. They just stood their in amazement wondering what to do. It made everyone excited for the spring and summer months ahead and it was like God was giving us a little break in the middle of our long winter to remind people what lies before us.

For me, i need to get use to the sun. If im going to get use to the Arizona sun 24\7 than i better love every minute of washington's mild summers. I can not wait til i can just wear shorts all the time and not have to worry about bringing a jacket or sweatshirt for later. I am so ready for a change!
I am ready to be on my own and be in a new environment and im ready to be with new people! I am ready for the next chapter of my life to begin....
so stay tuned :)

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