Tuesday, March 9, 2010

HOT yoga

My new year's resolution was to try new things.... i may regret that.

Hot yoga sounded like a great way to relax in the heat, to get away from this sporadic snow fall and to just escape and imagine myself on a tropical island somewhere. false.

My nerves got the best of me once we pulled up to the building because several people were throwing themselves out the door to get some fresh air as steam started to lift off of them. Almost like if there was a fire inside a building and everyone tried to push their bodies out the small, only exit, door. Thank God for stephanie as she basically held my hand the whole time, i think she sensed my mental break down.
I was greeted in the locker room by women walking around the bathroom completely buck naked. I mean stark,freaking naked. just walking around fixing their hair like what? you.ve never seen these before? I felt like a little boy in the bra section of a department store just trying not to stare and have my mouth gap open, for my pure disgust was clearly written on my face.
I voluntarily went into a dark 105 degree room filled with bodies. Packed in like african slaves on a slave boat, packed. I was two inches from the next person and i would just like to take this time to mention that this is America and in America fat people can do hot yoga too. Fat people can come and wear little to nothing and sweat right along with the rest of us. And yes, they like to position themselves right in front of me.

" Now pick one place and focus your eyes on that one spot and just stand still," my response to that was to find the fatest person in the room and to count their fat rolls because yes, they decided that it was necessary to wear spandex on that particular day. AND dont even get me started on tattoos on people that is a blog in its own!
so im stretching and finding my inner self and breathing and focusing all the while water is streaming out of every pore of my body. EVERY PORE IN MY BODY. You know how disgusting that is? My father sweats just watching tv and dont ask sam to go throw the trash out cause he will sweat just thinking about it but, i dont sweat. maybe a little sparkle during basketball practice but never like this.

At one point i just layed down and concentrated on now trying to pass out, laying there like a dead fish. and silly me thinking that this would climatize me for Arizona. Silly girl.
Have you ever seen final destination? Where the girls die in a tanning bed and fry to death? Thats what started to cross my mind as i was trying to defeat the "demons that make you want to stop"

"Your warm up is now complete" FML

THAT WAS THE WARM UP?!?! after 90 minutes of inferno heat i left the 'hopefully' sanitized death room a hot mess and smelling like an old gym sock.

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