Thursday, March 18, 2010

opportunity knocking

I, Alexandra Catherine Clark, have been chosen out of the entire country to participate in the 2010 Poynter Journalism fellowhip! It is two weeks in Florida with 40 other journalism freaks learning and experiencing all kinds of new journalism information. The only problem, the tuition will cost me $1,700! Are you kidding me?! that does not include food, hotel or whatever else i may need :\
So hopefully my email begging for financial aid will come through because i would hate to give my spot up to some other anxious college student!
I feel like this year i have been traveling like crazy from Miami for water polo, orlando for disney world, now my crusie, arizona in april, i feel like quite the experienced traveler. Watch me take the world by storm :)
So, hopefully that will work out and if not, i know that God will present me with another great opportunity like he always does.

On another note, i am freaking out because i will be technology free for ten days while on the cruise and i dont know how my 2010 minded body will adapt to that.

For example, my mother, boyfriend (poor sam) and i were watching Julie and Julia and she was using carbon paper to make two copies and i looked at my mom and said " mom what is she doing? and whats that machine shes typing on?" i than ducked as she swung for my head because i had no idea what carbon paper did and why on earth she would be typing on what they use to call a "type writer" :)

Another example, i was booking our flights to Arizona next month and instead of just letting me handle all of it, my mother insists on looking everything over and than the questions start. Why does it say that? What does that mean? Why is the printer making that noise? blah blah blah! Frustration to the max!

Needless to say i will be bringing my laptop on the crusie to sign up for my classes in the fall because if i let her do it she would accidentally sign me up for welding or some silly art class that i might enjoy.

2 days til im cruising on the beautiful caribbean :)

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